Capgemini – SAP Services – Worldwide

Capgemini is a Paris-based company providing a full range of management consulting, digital transformation, IT, and BPO services, both in the application and infrastructure fields. The company ranks among the global leaders in the IT market, but also in the scientific, technical, industrial, and embedded IT markets. Capgemini was created by Serge Kampf in Grenoble in 1967, under the name of Sogeti. In 1974, Sogeti took over C.A.P, one of the top IT service players in France at the time, as well as Gemini Computer Systems, a US-based company. One year later, Capgemini Group was established, which had 2,000 employees after its first year in business. The company has known several stages in its development, several acquisitions and transformation shaping the global IT services provider that Capgemini is today. Besides its strong European coverage, Capgemini has developed a strong footprint in North America and a highly professionalized offshore delivery model, becoming…

Cognizant – SAP Services – Worldwide

Cognizant, a familiar name in the IT user community, is one of the largest IT service providers and has a growing global footprint. For FY 2019, it posted total revenues of $16.8 billion, up from $16.1 billion in FY 2018. However, Q2 2020 revenues were down by 3.4% to $4 billion, compared to $4.2 billion in Q2 2019. Cognizant expects FY 2020 revenues of $16.4-16.7 billion (decline of 2-2.5%). The slowdown was largely felt in Europe and North America, in verticals such as banking and insurance, healthcare, travel and hospitality, retail and consumer goods, with flat growth in communications and media. COVID-19 has been a major contributor to weaker revenue performance, jointly with a significant ransomware attack in April 2020, and the exiting of the content moderation business. The company rose to prominence on the back of its finely tuned global delivery model, and its ability to cross- and upsell into a…

Sage – Worldwide

Sage was founded by David Goldman, Paul Muller, and Graham Wylie in Newcastle, England, to develop estimating and accounting software for small businesses. In 1984, the company launched Sage Software, a product for the Amstrad PCW word processor. Five years later, Sage was listed on the London Stock Exchange. In 1994, Paul Walker was appointed as Chief Executive Officer, a post he occupied for 16 years. In 1999, Sage entered the FTSE 100 and launched a dedicated Irish division based in Dublin. That same year, the UK acquisition of Tetra saw Sage enter the mid-range business software market. Today, Sage is a key provider of business management software to small and medium-sized enterprises, with products spanning accounting, HR, manufacturing, and CRM, plus a growing merchant payment service operation. It has over 12,643 staff in       23 countries around the world that serve over 6 million customers. The company registered recurring revenues of…

PwC – SAP Services – Worldwide

PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) is the umbrella entity for the PwC global network. PwC provides assurance (including financial and regulatory reporting), tax, and advisory services. PwC was formed when Price Waterhouse merged with Coopers & Lybrand in 1998, bypassing then-leader Andersen. "PwC" in the U.S. refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited. PwC's member firms are locally owned and operated. PwCIL oversees the network's strategic growth and development activities and provides support services to the member firms. In 2009 PwCIL acquired several management units from consulting firm BearingPoint, which months earlier had entered bankruptcy and began selling itself off. It bought BearingPoint's Japanese operations, added some 1,500 professionals, and established itself as an advisory services leader. The firm also acquired most of BearingPoint's North American commercial services business and offices in China and India. In FY20, PwC had over 284,000…

Deloitte – SAP Services – Worldwide

The Deloitte company network includes several independent professional services firms associated with Deloitte Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL), a UK-based private company. All Deloitte member firms in the company’s global network are independent legal entities. Deloitte’s business focuses on five core areas: audit, tax & legal, consulting, enterprise risk, and financial advisory services. Deloitte’s consulting unit is organized in three main service lines, namely Human Capital, Strategy & Operations, and Technology. Deloitte has established strategic alliances with the largest technology vendors: Adobe, IBM, Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, SAS, ServiceNow, and Workday. Moreover, Deloitte also holds strong partnerships with key industry players such as BluePrism, Guidewire, and Kinaxis. Today, Deloitte employs approximately 330,000 professionals globally. In FY 2020, the global Deloitte network earned more than USD 47.6 billion in revenues, with most of the revenues being generated in North America. The company’s consulting arm, in particular, has experienced significant growth over the past few years,…


Conception et édition de logiciels - Assistance et maintenance informatique - Formation (séminaires, cours généraux). Sage est le leader mondial des technologies permettant aux entreprises de petite, de moyenne et de grande taille, de donner le meilleur d'elles-mêmes. Alors que nos clients se mettent à la recherche d'une nouvelle forme de normalité, ils devront faire des choix pour perdurer et même, dans certains cas, se réinventer. Nous sommes à leur côté pour les aider à appréhender l'avenir de leurs entreprises. Nos clients font confiance à nos années d'expérience, de services personnalisés façonnés par des collègues et des partenaires engagés, des outils et une technologie donnant à la fois la visibilité, flexibilité et l'efficacité cruciale à  l'heure actuelle. Par dessus tout, notre entreprise s'est construite sur des relations fortes avec nos clients, notre communauté, nos collaborateurs et nos partenaires. Alors qu'il faut aujourd'hui passer à l'étape suivante, nous avons à cœur de le faire ensemble.


INFOLOGIC édite et intègre l'ERP COPILOTE dédié à l'agroalimentaire. Créée en 1982, INFOLOGIC crée et intègre des solutions logicielles pour l'agroalimentaire, la nutrition santé et la cosmétique. Nos équipes d'édition développent les fonctionnalités de l'ERP COPILOTE au travers de nombreux modules : gestion commerciale, EDI, gestion comptable et financière, décisionnel, stocks, qualité, traçabilité, GPAO, MES, WMS, CRM, PLM, GMAO... Nos équipes d'intégration mettent en place l'ERP COPILOTE chez vous, industriels et négociants de l'agroalimentaire, la nutrition santé et la cosmétique, partout en France et en Europe. Optimisation des process, fiabilité des données, simplification de votre gestion au quotidien...

VALIANCE Business Management

Suite Logiciel intégrée pour l'Entreprise 4.0 Connectée à  ses performances, Offreur de Solution 4.0. Mission : Accompagne la transformation de la culture d'entreprise pour que chacun se sente utile et bien dans ses fonctions !Métier : Aide toute TPE-PME-PMI à  sa transformation numérique et au pilotage de ses performances.Grace à  une suite logiciel "ERP" flexible, malléable, ouverte à  la reconfiguration des process métiers. Spécialisation Industrielle, ligne de production, Services de maintenance et d'interventions sur site, mobilité et objets connectés. Valeurs : Chaque résultat de l'entreprise est associé à  l'état d'esprit collectif, si l'on veut changer de résultat il est indispensable de changer l'état d'esprit de chacun !Le travail et l'intelligence collective sont les seuls vrais atouts de l'entreprise.

Easy Lead

CRM + Application mobile. Solutions CRM couplée à l'ERP.